iCompute Stick

Mouse Computer Stick Features 64GB and Windows 8.1 Pro

mouse computer stick windows professionalMouse Computer of Japan has released their version of the Intel Compute Stick that features Windows 8.1 Professional and 64GB of storage. Currently this is the only compute stick that I know of that offers these specs. Intel is expected to launch upgraded compute stick models later this year that feature the Intel Core M processor and 64GB of eMMC flash storage when they release the Intel Cedar City Compute Stick.

The Mouse Computer Stick costs around $322. This seems like a lot but lets take the standard Intel Compute Stick’s price, $149.99 and add Windows 8.1 Professional $135. The price would be $284.99. Now add a Sandisk 32GB microSD card for $14, our total price would be $298.99. it comes out to be cheaper, but using a MircoSD card will produce slower speeds than the built in eMMC storage. Now put in the fact that this is from Japan, show shipping may take awhile depending on where you live.

If you need a compute stick with Windows 8.1 Professional or Windows 10 Professional so you can get the enterprise features like being able to connect to a domain controller, Remote Desktop software, Bitlocker data protection and more, you may want to think about just purchasing a copy of Windows Professional and install it on the compute stick yourself.


  1. Shippy2 says:

    Will I be able to load windows 7 pro too?

  2. iComputeStick says:

    should not be a problem!

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